Paynes Romancing the Stone
Date of birth: November 9, 1991
WP384126/01 FN WH MKGS |
AM/CAN CH. Kamursart
Aloha Louie Louie
Wf886823 OFA35G BRDL & WH |
AM/CAN CH. Kamursarts Hercules
WF496737 FN & WH |
AM/CAN CH. Vimars
We Believe in Magic
CH. Vimars EST
Ebony Image of Ellens Alley
CH. Warjoys Kit N Kaboodle
CH. Vimars EST
Warjoys Box R Reflection
AM/CAN CH. Kamursarts Fine Fraulein
WF131077 BRDL & WH |
AM/CAN CH. Rodonnas
Renegade Soldier
AM/CAN CH. Mephistos
Soldier of Fortune
Rodonnas Future Stock
Wedge Hollows Zsa Zsa
CH. Canzonets John Paul Jones
CH. Wedge Hollows Wallis Winsor
CH. Kamursarts Jovial Jewel
WF764651 FN & WH |
AM/CAN CH. Kamursarts Hercules
WF496737 FN & WH |
AM/CAN CH. Vimars
We Believe in Magic
CH. Vimars EST
Ebony Image of Ellens Alley
Warjoys Kit N Kaboudle
CH. Vimars EST
Warjoys Box R Reflection
Wedge Hollows Zelda
WE594067 OFA35 FN & WH |
CH. Canzonets John Paul Jones
Canzonets Canadian Caper
Baroness Hilldegrade Von Uhl
CH. Wedge Hollows Wallis Winsor
CH. Blazin Chief of Cherokee Oaks
Wedge Hollows Twinkle Toes